A few days ago

When do you use a colon and what are the rules?

plz this is important

n im taking engilsh n im supposed to know this she told us the answer but i forgot

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A few days ago

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here’s a good website…

A few days ago
Tell your teacher I said that you use a colon when rapid peristalsis occurs, and that the basic rules are that you close the door, you wipe well, and you wash your hands when you are done.

There are a bunch more rules that apparently apply in Minnesota airports, that I’ve never heard of. Apparently, you aren’t allowed to put down property in front of you, where you can keep an eye on it, it’s illegal to be clumsy with your feet, or to dance in anticipation of going. And somehow, a senator swept his *left* hand along bottom of the *right* hand stall wall, which, since I’m not a contortionist, I don’t think I could do on a bet, but the other stuff, I suspect it’s all stuff that I have done, now or then, and I’m sure glad I don’t use restrooms in Minnesota, because they have some really gung-ho cops there with really vivid imaginations. Sheesh. The guy apparently is a pansy, but I don’t find any reason for there to be anything illegal in what he did. But then, perhaps you can catch homosexuality from toilet seats in Minnesota. It doesn’t happen that way here in Pennsylvania, but they have the Mayo clinic up there, and all Pennsylvania has is Heinz ketchup factories.