A few days ago
Nhat t

When do I use comma or other form of separations?

Do I need to separate “during my sophomore year ” in the following clause? If so how do I do it?

After receiving my yearly physical examination during my sophomore year from my pediatrician,

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

During my sophomore year, after receiving my yearly physical examination year from my pediatrician,

this is better. try to think of ways to present your thoughts better,, try not to rumble your ideas. use commas to separate the modifiers from the word they modify in the sentence.


A few days ago
Nature Boy
Actually the phrase might sound a bit better if you worded it this way:

“After receiving my yearly physical examination from my pediatrician during my sophomore year,”

(Just wondering, aren’t you a bit old to be getting examinations from a pediatrician?)


A few days ago
nahh,i dont think so.