A few days ago

what was the role of England during the Russian Revolution?

ok i need help i am suppose to write a paragragh about the role of england during the russian revolution and also the role of Germany during the Russian Revolution

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Just go to these web sites: http://reformedtheology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/chapter_03.htm


Also instead of looking up Russian Revolution, look up Bolshevikian Revolution


5 years ago
Some tips for your research: 1) The very fact that the Russian and British Empires fought on the same side during WW I was a bit of diplomatic mystery. Both countries had considered each other as rivals (to say the least). It had been on the top of the British foreign policy priority list to restrain the Russian obsession with the Straits (separating the Black Sea from the Mediterranean). Moreover, their interests had clashed in the Central Asia where Britain had been extremely anxious about its Indian possessions. 2) Britain actively participated in the Russian Civil war (1918-1920) either militarily or providing help to various anti-Bolshevik fractions (the link below). 3) Oh, by the way, we call “a tank” (the British invented and used during the WWI) – “tank” in Russian. Thanks for that ๐Ÿ™‚ 4) Some visual for you: a) have a look at this English propaganda poster of the Russian Civil war time (second link below). On the poster the White Russians (anti-Bolsheviks) are fighting “the red beast” (Bolsheviks) with the help of an Englishman, who is dragging some machine-guns and aeroplanes on the background. The text in Russian says: “My Russian friends! I am an Englishman. I ask you for the sake of our common allied struggle to be as strong as you have always been. I provided and what is more important I will provide you with new weapons to slay these disgusting, bloodthirsty red beasts”. b) (third link) The Soviet propaganda poster of the same period where “Uncle Sam” and other allies (France and Britain) hold on leash three “mad dogs” – the White Russian generals – Denikin, Kolchak and Yudenich. What a shame that you can find these posters only in the Russian-language Wiki entry for the “Allied intervention in Russia”. ๐Ÿ™‚ RH Ullman, “Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921”, vol. 2, “Britain and the Russian Civil War, November 1918- February 1920”, Princeton, 1968 Ciao!

A few days ago
Germany – shipped Lenin on a train back to St.Petersburg to help direct/lead/inflame the soviet revolution. Latter, signed the treaty of Leivst-Brestk (sp?) that ended the eastern theater of WWI.

England – provided aid for the royalists (“whites”) during the latter stages of the civil war

Or just search “allied support for royalists in Russian Revolution”


A few days ago
Go to “Search the web to research your answer.” Type in “Russian Revolution.” Have a good time! There’s a great deal of information there. Click the first heading, please after the first box.

A few days ago
Baton Twirler

idk if that will help or not sorry!!!!


A few days ago

i have to do that too.