A few days ago

What type of changes are associated with industrialization?

What type of changes are associated with industrialization?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Culture changes completely. Instead of a work day that begins at sunup, has afternoon nap time (siesta during the heat of the day) and ends before dark, there is electricity for lighting to work all night and air conditioning so work doesn’t have to stop during the day. Then there is money coming in so people can buy things like televisions (creature comforts instead of creature needs). Don’t forget about the need for the service industry to accommodate things like people needing to eat at all hours of the night.

Everything changes but those are some of the major ones. You can make up and justify a thousand things form what I just told you, Good luck!


A few days ago
Monica Sardonica
Zillions! The rise of a corporate capitalist economy, the automobile, the computer, the suburbs, etc. etc. It’s infinite!