A few days ago

What makes a country rich?

What is it that makes a country wealthy or RICH??

I only can guess one which is the marriage and divorce rates….but can anyone think of anymore?? This could help me alot in this project im doing.

Thanks xx

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here’s a few things:

1. Natural Resources. Things like trees to make paper, oil to make gasoline. Animals and rich farmland for food, etc…

2. Human Resources. Educated people with drive to grow and prosper.

3. Stable Government. Good laws and infrastructure to enable people to use resources and sell them to other countries.


A few days ago
a) The natural resources the country has.

b) The ability the country has to exploit the natural resources for its own benefit.

c) The ability the country has to get other countries to purchase its goods.

d) The “productivity” of the people — ability to produce goods and services.

e) The ability to maintain a high standard of living (e.g. electricity, water, sewer, phone systems in place).

f) The totally artificial value of its currency versus the currencies of other countries.

There are a few more things. *shrug* Mostly it means that the population is working and making things to make life better, and spending money… and that the resources the country has are used more to its benefit, rather than being used to benefit some other country.


A few days ago
Something to do with natural resources? A country with a lot of resources (Eg. Coal and oil) can sell them to other countries for profit.

Tourist appeal. The more tourists you get in a country, the more money that is being added to that country’s economy.


A few days ago
~Lil Kitty~
exporting goods makes a country rich.

A few days ago
I would say its people, resources, economy, and government.

A few days ago
natural resources (gold, silver, lumber)

A few days ago

not the best words for a project!