A few days ago

What is the Repair and Restoration theory?

it is needed for my class assignment so help me please

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

According to the repair and restoration theory of sleep, sleeping is essential for revitalizing and restoring the physiological processes that keep the body and mind healthy and properly functioning. This theory suggests that NREM sleep is important for restoring physiological functions, while REM sleep is essential in restoring mental functions.

Support for this theory is provided by research that shows periods of REM sleep increase following periods of sleep deprivation and strenuous physical activity. During sleep, the body also increases its rate of cell division and protein synthesis, further suggesting that repair and restoration occurs during sleeping periods.


5 years ago
What people say, and you obviously aren’t paying attention to what people are saying, is that the new foreskin will not have the same nerve endings as the origninal foreskin. It will have only the same sensitivity as the shaft skin. However you can NOT regros the 20,000 nerve endings lost. That is physically impossible. If it was possible then a form of foreskin restoration would have been developed by now that grew you an actual foreskin, not an exstention of shaft skin. Yes the body has a blue print, however the body only builds itself ONCE. You cut off the orignial foreskin, so sorry but all that grows back is shaft skin. It’s not going to generate a new foreskin. That’s physically impossible without stem cells. You just haven’t been paying close enough attention to what people mean. -Connor

6 years ago
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What is the Repair and Restoration theory?
it is needed for my class assignment so help me please