A few days ago

what is the CIA?

what is the CIA?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government. Its primary function is obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers. Additionally, the agency sometimes engages in propaganda and public relations efforts.[5] It also serves as the government’s paramilitary hidden hand via covert operations at the direction of the President and under oversight by Congress.[6] This last role has caused much controversy for the CIA — questions about the legality, morality, effectiveness, and wisdom of such operations.

A few days ago
CIA, aka The Central Intelligence Agency is a culvert operation Federal Government Agency. I think it’s part of

the org that protects the country. It’s in Langley, Virginia and it’s in eveyr episode and each movie of Mission Impossible.


A few days ago
CIA two answers: the famous Central Intelligence Agency and the also famous Cooking Institute of America.

Of course, both are not giving the same type of services to guests.

The CIA, the spy agency of the USA, has secrets recipes to send ennemies of the USA to hell and the CIA, the cooking school, has secrets recipes to send you to Heaven.