A few days ago

What is a variable?

I need to know what this means:

Independent variable

Dependent Variable

Please make it brief, && high school-er readable-ness.

thank you.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


The independent variable changes during the experiment and the dependent variable does not change (i.e. water was the control so it was the dependent variable, and we mixed in different substances to make them our independent variables)

Is that simple? 8D


A few days ago
a variable is a value that isn’t set. it can change, unlike a constant.the value of the variable x might be anything while the value of pi is always 3.14159…

an independent variable is one that isn’t restricted. generally, x is an independent variable. as in the equation y = x+4.

a dependent variable is one whose value comes from another. in the previous example y = x+4, y is the dependant, b/c it’s value depends on what x is. if x was 2, y would be 6. if x was 10, then y would be 14.

i hope this helps


A few days ago
looking at a graph, the x variable (along the x axis) is the independant and the y (on y axis) is dependent. that means that when you have an equation for a function ( f(x) – i dont know if you got to that yet) you are solving for the y value in terms of a specific x value. in other words, the y value will change according to a changing x value.

ie. lots of times you will see functions that relate time and height. the time is the x variable (independant) and the height is y (dependent). the height (represented by y) will change if the time (x) changes but the time wont change if the height changes.


A few days ago
Independent variable: The factor that doesn’t remain constant.

Dependent variable: The thing that is being measured.

I’ll give an example. Someone is measuring how far a paper airplane goes according to how many paper clips are attached to it.

Independent: # of paper clips.

Dependent: How far the plane goes.


A few days ago
Amber W
An independent varable is the varaible that is changed in an experiment.

An dependent variable is changes as a result of a change in the independent variabe


A few days ago
Independent variable is the variable that represents the domain (like x) which doesn’t rely on the other variable.

Dependent variable is the variable that chages based on what the other variable is (like y).


A few days ago
the independant variable is a factor that the scientist changes. the dependant variable is the one that is observed to see how the independant variable has changed it.

A few days ago
im the same boat.i just took a test on this stuff.

independent variable-changes. ex. if you were testing laundry detergent seeing what gets clothes cleaner it would be


dependent depends on this. how clean the clothes are.


6 years ago
hard issue. query at google. that will could help!