what is a homily or lectern?
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in old churches, you can see a cone shape structures extruding from wall where in a single person can occupy the said podium, that is a lectern.
1. religious lecture – a sermon or other piece of writing on a moral or religious topic, 2. moralizing speech – a speech or other piece of writing with a moralizing theme, 3. talk based on biblical passage – christianity in the Roman Catholic Church, an address based on the scriptures of the day, 4. short saying – a short inspirational saying.
Basically a sermon or speech concerning spirituality and morals.
Lectern: reading stand for speaker – a stand with a sloping top on which a book or notes can rest in front of a standing speaker.
Basically a podium.
Next time, use a dictionary! That’s all I did, but I wanted to know what it meant myself!!
Main Entry: hom·i·ly
Pronunciation: ‘hä-m&-lE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -lies
Etymology: Middle English omelie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin homilia, from Late Greek, from Greek, conversation, discourse, from homilein to consort with, address, from homilos crowd, assembly; akin to Greek homos same — more at SAME
1 : a usually short sermon
2 : a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme
3 : an inspirational catchphrase; also : PLATITUDE
Main Entry: lec·tern
Pronunciation: ‘lek-t&rn
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English lettorne, from Anglo-French leitrun, from Medieval Latin lectrinum, from Late Latin lectrum, from Latin legere to read — more at LEGEND
: a stand used to support a book or script in a convenient position for a standing reader or speaker; especially : one from which scripture lessons are read in a church service
So, a homily is a sermon, and a lectern is a pulpit, if that helps.
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