A few days ago

what is a homily or lectern?

i need to know for homework it is in something to do with the catholic church druing mass

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Kobie D

Favorite Answer

the homily is when the priest speaks to the congregation following the Gospel. He will usually speak about the Gospel and how it affects our live today.

A few days ago
a homily is a sermon, usually on a Biblical topic and usually of a non doctrinal nature. usually done by the priest after reading the gospel. while the lectern is a podium where the priest can perform his homily and other readings.

in old churches, you can see a cone shape structures extruding from wall where in a single person can occupy the said podium, that is a lectern.


A few days ago

1. religious lecture – a sermon or other piece of writing on a moral or religious topic, 2. moralizing speech – a speech or other piece of writing with a moralizing theme, 3. talk based on biblical passage – christianity in the Roman Catholic Church, an address based on the scriptures of the day, 4. short saying – a short inspirational saying.

Basically a sermon or speech concerning spirituality and morals.

Lectern: reading stand for speaker – a stand with a sloping top on which a book or notes can rest in front of a standing speaker.

Basically a podium.

Next time, use a dictionary! That’s all I did, but I wanted to know what it meant myself!!


A few days ago
♫ Sweet Honesty ♫
The homily is like the sermon. It’s when the priest connects the gospel reading to everyday life. A lectern is an object, like a pulpit or podium.

A few days ago
He left a good “definition” of it. But here it is in laymans terms: the homily is something given by the priest after the passage from the bible that is meant to be heard by the congregation and reflected on. It normally brings out the “modern day” meaning of the passage that is read, and also brings to light current events that are happening and the response by the Catholic Church.

A few days ago
JOhn M
Homily is a sermon. Lectern is the stand at which excerpts from the Bible and Scriptures are read.

A few days ago
Merriam-Webester http://m-w.com says:

Main Entry: hom·i·ly

Pronunciation: ‘hä-m&-lE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -lies

Etymology: Middle English omelie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin homilia, from Late Greek, from Greek, conversation, discourse, from homilein to consort with, address, from homilos crowd, assembly; akin to Greek homos same — more at SAME

1 : a usually short sermon

2 : a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme

3 : an inspirational catchphrase; also : PLATITUDE

Main Entry: lec·tern

Pronunciation: ‘lek-t&rn

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English lettorne, from Anglo-French leitrun, from Medieval Latin lectrinum, from Late Latin lectrum, from Latin legere to read — more at LEGEND

: a stand used to support a book or script in a convenient position for a standing reader or speaker; especially : one from which scripture lessons are read in a church service

So, a homily is a sermon, and a lectern is a pulpit, if that helps.