A few days ago

What is a eulogy and how to write one?

I have to write a eulogy about Egypt’s first female pharoah for my history class. I am confused about what a eulogy is and how to write one. Can you please explain a eulogy to me.

We also have to perform it in class using props and being dramatic. Do you also have any ideas for this? Thanks!!!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A eulogy is statement/speech regarding the accomplishments of the dearly departed (dead person). For instance, your person was the first female pharoah – was she well-liked? Have a strong personality? Help others? Have a kind heart? Well dressed in up-to-the-century fashions? Love jewelry? Laughed a lot and loudly? Depending upon your class, you could be dramatically funny with this one — give it all you’ve got — weep, laugh, —- “walk like an egyptian” (get it?) LOL Good luck!

A few days ago
Well, I have learnt that a EULOGY is a speech you make about someone who is dead, in this speech you remember the person in a positive way, never talking about their bad sides, as you are sharing with others who might or mighta have not known this person. Here I attach a defition I found about EULOGY

A eulogy is somewhat like a personalized speech. It is given at a funeral as a testimonial to the life of the deceased. It is usually given by a relative or a close personal friend of the person who passed away. The eulogy is a way to share details and fond memories of a loved one that other people may not be aware of, or that they may find comforting. Giving a eulogy can be very difficult, since emotions are high when a loved one passes on.

It is perfectly acceptable to write the eulogy yourself and ask someone else to read it for you. This is a good idea if you were especially close to the deceased and do not feel you will be able to speak. On the other hand, people expect raw emotion at such a difficult time, and will certainly understand. This being the case, if you feel it is important that you give the eulogy personally, do not be embarrassed about showing emotion while delivering your speech.

It is a good idea to prepare the eulogy ahead of time, and to write down what you want to say. You may need to walk away from it for awhile, and look it over again later. It is often difficult to express yourself under such strain. If overcome with emotion, give yourself some time before attempting to finish writing the eulogy.

Once you are able to collect your thoughts on paper, you may wish to rehearse the eulogy a few times. Reading aloud will help you catch errors and notice awkward lines, giving you the opportunity to rephrase. Practicing the eulogy might also trigger another memory that you would like to add.

Bringing note cards with you to the funeral is also a good idea. It is easy to forget what you want to say when you are standing before a group of people, caught up in the sentiments of the moment. Bring tissue with you to the podium as well. The most important thing to remember is that the eulogy is your way of honoring your loved one, and what you say is far more important that how you say it.

P.S:Hope it helps you


A few days ago
well an eulogy is a written speech praising someone who has passed away. Okay well she is a woman so you really have to get into character but if she had any servants then ask a couple of your friends if they will do a quick favor for you and sorry but you may have to dress up like her but just make sure that you have fun while doing it cause then the teacher will enjoy your performance even more

A few days ago
A eulogy is a speech praising a person, usually one who has recently died. It’s sometimes given by someone who knew the person very well. You want to leave an excellent impression of the dead.

It’s not like an obituary, which gives facts of a person’s life (though facts can be included). This might help:


Egypt? The props should be fun!