A few days ago

What is 2/5 of 5 and can u explain to me how you got the answer.?

What is 2/5 of 5 and can u explain to me how you got the answer.?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Ed S

Favorite Answer

1)when you multiply a fraction times a whole number, always try to divide the bottom number into the whole number and then multiply times the top number.

2) 2/5 of 5=2 (of means to multiply)

3) 3/4 of 12=9 (4 goes into 12 three times, then multiply it times the top number of 3.

4) 6/11 of 44=24


A few days ago
The answer is 2…you get this by multiplying 2/5 times 5/1, which equals 10/5, which is reduced to 2.

A few days ago
&hearts Haley &hearts
2/5 of 5 is 1/5 because you write 2/5 divided by 5/1 ( which equals 5 ) and then write it in the resiprical and multiply which eqauls 2/5 X 1/5 wich equals 2/10 and it reduces to 1/5 . Hope I helped !! :]

A few days ago
this is my theory:

divide the whole number (5) by the bottom number from the fraction (also 5 in this case). then multiply that by the top number from the fraction.

thus: 5/5 = 1………..1 multiply by 2 = 2.


A few days ago
debbie f
the number 5 has 5 equal parts. 5 ones so to speak 2/5 of it would be two of tyhe ones so it would be written 2/5

A few days ago
2 fifth of 5 is 2


2/5 * 5 =2

hence the answer to ur question is 2

hope it helps



A few days ago
Little Miss Jonas ツ
It is two.

2 5

—- x —-

5 1

You cross multiply the 5’s and end up with 2/1, which is 2.


A few days ago
2 5 = 10

_ X __ ______

5 1 = 5

5 divided into 10= 2

answer is 2