A few days ago

Need help on Religion homework?

The assignment is to create a collage of words or pictures that are of God using our 5 senses. So if anybody has any ideas of what they think God looks, smells, tastes, feels, or sounds like, please answer. Thank you!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
I Love Jesus

Favorite Answer

Ah to have had the experience of teaching 5 year olds in Sunday School One easy one to get your brain going maybe, “hold out the palm of your hand about 5” in front of you, with palm facing your face in front of mouth. Blow out. ……… now, what did you feel ???? air, what did you see ??? NOTHING, that is God, we can’t see Him but he is like the air, and is always there. Smell a flower, can you see the smell, no but most people are greatly blessed by smelling flowers and young children love go smell flowers it is almost the first thing they will do when given a flower, Who made those flowers and their smell ? God. Thunder, can always see it ??/ No often we can hear it but not see it, but by faith we know it exist even tho we didn’t see it. Go with these OK ? but first pray for God’s help He will help you even if you are doing your homework too late, He loves you more than you could ever imagine. He is not a big policeman in the sky He loves you .

A few days ago
Frmr Prncss
Superior, divine, higher power, with you, great, security, ………