A few days ago

what factors affect our health?

i have a small essay any help i have to do it on these 4

Lifestyle,Environment, Medical Facilities and genetics

ive got to explain the good points and bad point on each of these

4 things plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Lifestyle factors include diet, exercise, use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, amount of stress, etc.

Environmental factors include smog, pesticides, pollution generally, whether you live in a city or a rural environment, number of trees, etc.

Medical facilities means whether you live close to a hospital, how good the hospital is, do you have a reliable family doctor, could you get an ambulance quickly if you needed one, etc.

Genetics is the one you have no control over – what you got from your mom and dad – how long did they and their siblings and parents live, did they have any diseases such as heart disease, cancer, etc.

If you think about each of these, you should be able to come up with lists of positive and negative points related to them. Best of luck with it.


4 years ago
Factors That Affect Human Health

A few days ago
Lisa B
It sounds like your teacher is asking you to talk about 4 things that can affect your health, and asking you to talk about how you think about them.

Lifestyle: Do you think you should avoid eating without thinking about it, so you won’t get obese and become unhealthy?

Environment: What do you worry about here? I get asthma when it gets too smoggy out, or the air is smoky from forest fires. What’s your issue?

Medical Facilities: To what extent is your health influenced by the availability of facilities. Would you die if you were stabbed in the street because there is not an emergency room close by?

Genetics: Cancer and other diseases have a genetic component. Find something about yourself that you can research to see if it could be genetically transmitted.


5 years ago
I’m not sure you could have come up with a more broadly based question… unless your entire question was “what?” There are tons of things that affect mental health. I would say most fall into 2 broad categories: several chemical and hormone levels within the body, and significant events in our lives. I’ll have to think about this more before I can even formulate a more specific answer than that. Great question though to help get to the heart of all the issues in this forum.

A few days ago

How we eat….lots of fast food…..do we exercise


Air pollution from cars, cigarrete smoke etc


family history of heart disease etc