A few days ago
Daiskue Niwa

what countries boarder nepal?

am doing a research report and i cant seem to find the boarding countries on my globe, since it’s so bumpy

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Leah M

Favorite Answer

China and India



A few days ago
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Sandwiched between two Asian giants–China and India–Nepal traditionally has been characterized as “a yam caught between two rocks.” Noted for its majestic Himalayas, which in Sanskrit means the abode of snow, Nepal is very mountainous and hilly. Its shape is roughly rectangular, about 800 kilometers long and about 100 to 200 kilometers wide, and comprises a total of 147,181 square kilometers of land. It is slightly larger than Bangladesh or the state of Arkansas. Nepal is a landlocked country, surrounded by India on three sides and by China’s Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) to the north. It is separated from Bangladesh by an approximately 15 kilometer wide strip of India’s state of West Bengal, and from Bhutan by the 88 kilometer wide Sikkim, also an Indian state. Such a confined geographical position is hardly enviable. Nepal is almost totally dependent on India for transit facilities and access to the sea–that is, the Bay of Bengal–even for most of the goods coming from China.