A few days ago

what are the advantages and disadvantages of plastic?

what are the advantages and disadvantages of plastic?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Advantages: tough, inexpensive, and easy to mold.

Disadvantages: Affected by heat, can cause toxic fumes when burning, and cracks and becomes brittle with age. Not biodegradable.


A few days ago
Advantages: Plastic is tough and near indestructible.

Disadvantages: Plastic is tough and near indestructible.

What if all the plastic that we brought into our homes had to stay in our homes forever? No more throwing it away, ever! What if every single piece became our responsibility for the rest of our lives? How would that impact us and how could we deal with all that plastic? Well on a global scale that is exactly what we are doing. We are creating plastics that we will have to deal with for thousands of years. In fact, “Except for the small amount that’s been incinerated-and it’s a very small amount-every bit of plastic ever made still exists.”


5 years ago
Can be done effectively if the car is parted by hand. Sell the good parts, remanufacture the drivetrain if desired but don’t just crush and melt the rest! This is wasteful, environmentally harmful and also deprives people somewhere of jobs. Seriously, just give autoshop students a job ripping into cars and sorting the materials, they’ll be doing the world good, learning about cars and making some money. Huge factories are being opened to process cars in other parts of the world… let’s keep our minds open.