A few days ago
Jovan J

Website for books explanations?

I have to read a book and to write an essay about it, but I don’t have enough of time to do it as I want and as i can…Does anyone of you guys know a good website where I can “read the book in short time”. I mean like all explanations and important things are written, and from that I can write an essay. I am not proud to ask this, I am a freshman in college, so I did not realize that this book would take so much time (and understanding) to read, and this is my last option. The book is religious, called “dynamics of faith” and I could not find it on wikipedia.

I would be most gratefull to any of you that can help…

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Try Sparknotes. If you can’t find the book on there, try Pink Monkey.

4 years ago
interior the Universe we exist in, there is Ying/Yang in each thing. In yet another words, each thing has its helpful/detrimental, good/undesirable, reward/short-comings, basic/confusing aspects. as a manner to “instruct” astrology thoroughly, an author of the astrology e book/internet site could cover the two aspects of each sign, planet, factors, …. etc. there is not any absolute good or undesirable features of something. as an occasion, sunlight in marriage residing house, Saturn conjunct moon, born in finished moon,…. do no longer inevitably recommend all good or extraordinarily undesirable. We human beings are geared up with sacred will potential which we could use to decide somewhat some habit paths, and accomplish envisioned or opposite leads to life. So, please don’t get discouraged on your gaining know-how of. The greater actual life examples you notice, the greater suitable know-how you will understand. good success!

A few days ago

When I had to read Huck Finn in 8th grade this really helped me understand the book.

Hope this helps =)


A few days ago