A few days ago

URGENT ! whar are the similarities between……..?

What are the similarites between the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish and the conquest of Native-Americans societies by the English. Thanks!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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Historical time frame parallels such that technology had not dramatically advanced between the two invasions.

* Europeans gave Native Indians diseases that they had no defenses against, leading to a death rate higher than the black plague … in modern times, what they did would be called Genocide

* Europeans made treaties with the Natives, then broke them

* Europeans treated the Indians like slaves they were free to loot and rape

Similar but not quite identical

* What the Spanish were seizing and looking for were treasures like gold, and fantasies like the Fountain of Youth. This was being done pretty much by the military.

* What the English were seizing was territory, and it was being done pretty much by random civilians

Some differences

* English took Indians on death marches, where they were made prisoner, and forced to march in winter, without proper clothes or food, so that some fell dead because of this … something we condemned years later when the Nazis did it to Jews

* Spanish had Religious leaders try to convert Indians to Christianity & they practiced a kind of Inquisition to torture to death the Shaman and other Indians who used herbal medicine to treat their people