A few days ago
Andy P

Tips on How to Stay Awake When doing your homework?

Tips on How to Stay Awake When doing your homework?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

sobe adrenaline rush energy drink

cold air

get up and jump around for a minute (seriously, it does work)


short breaks to regain focus

good music

bright lights

don’t sit in a comfortable chair … sucks but it does the trick


scare yourself


A few days ago
There is this drink called a 5-Hour energy which is sold at most grocery stores and most big chain gas stations and they work so well. They are a 1oz drink that doesn’t taste like much and has as much caffine as a cup of coffee without the nasty taste. It has no sugar so you dont crash and essentially what it is, is a lot fo B vitamins which boost mental state. I use them when I need to study because they allow me to still sleep when I want but stay up a long time too. If you want to go completely natural then go with a B complex vitamin the whole way because they are pretty good and will give you a boost throughout the day but it won’t be a sharp boost but definately sustainable.

5 years ago
Naps Naps Naps!! Don’t drink lots of coffee OR have lots of sugar. That will keep you buzzing temporarily, but you’ll crash harder than you ever have before. Try reviewing and do light studying in the morning before you go to school. You may have to really motivate yourself, but things will be fresh in your mind for school. Say you have a test on Monday- that previous week, study in the mornings. On the weekends, catch up on the sleep, and hit the books hard when you’re alert. That way, you won’t feel so sleep deprived, and you’ve already created a well-worn pathway of knowledge in your brain from the previous week. Good luck- remember, moderation is the key in ANYTHING. Get the right amounts of sleep, exercise, and nutrition, and you can do anything!

A few days ago
Karen C
Sounds like you have some pretty boring homework. Always do the most boring homework first. Make yourself a quiet, comfortable place to work. Do your homework while having a protein snack and a drink. Try to get plenty of sleep each night-at least eight hours, drink plenty of water, and get some exercise. If you start to get sleep, get up and take a brisk walk outside. Good luck.

A few days ago
Have a glass of water while doing your homework. Drink water to stay awake.

4 years ago
How To Keep Yourself Awake

6 years ago
Don’t do your homework on a couch or a bed it will make you want to go to sleep easily,and have good posture and take a break every 15 minutes

A few days ago
Jamar M
Ok, well, I am SO not the person to answer this… but I’m going to agree with the person that said coffee or caffeine… and when all else fails? Have your little brother or some other annoying person smack the mess out of you every time you doze off…. Happy Sleeping!

7 years ago
Take breaks!

It works best for me when I take small breaks when I feel myself doze off. Have you ever heard of upjoy.me? I time myself, go on that website for 5 or so minutes then resume working.

That website is super awesome because it’s really funny/entertaining images and videos that keep you engaged and supposedly boost your mood!

Best of luck!


6 years ago
What I do is drink a glass of cold water, do five jumping jacks then eat something hot. Your brain will be confused with the different temperatures and work EXTRA hard!! It works, super cool!!

Also, I use this website!! 😀