A few days ago

The sum of 2 prime numbers, x and y, is not divisible by 2 and x < y. find x. Please explain for me, thank you

The sum of 2 prime numbers, x and y, is not divisible by 2 and x < y. find x. Please explain for me, thank you

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


a prime # is only divisible by itself and 1


A few days ago
First of all, you must realize that all prime number greater than 2 are odd. Why? Because if one were even, it would be divisible by 2, and therefore not prime.

Secondly, the sum of two odd numbers is even. Why? Because any odd number can be written as 2A +1, where A is an integer. The sum of two odd numbers would be (2A + 1) + (2B + 1) = 2 (A+B) + 2, which is clearly divisible by two.

Where does this all leave us now? Clearly, you can’t have both primes greater than 2. Therefore at least one of the primes is *equal* to 2. (Are you still with me here?)

If x < y, these two primes are not identical. If y were 2, what on earth could x be, a prime less than 2? No such thing. Therefore... x is 2.


A few days ago
The One Truth
x = 2 because all other prime numbers are odd. If you add an odd number with an even number, it is not divisible by 2.