A few days ago

tell me your opinion whether Uniforms help decrease bullying or not?

please reason ur opinion as well……i need to write a 1000 words essay

The focus of your assessment should be on whether it is reasonable to

accept the main claim(s) in the news report. When you discuss any claims

and/or evidence for them, clearly identify whatever claims or evidence you are


· In your assessment, discuss whichever of the following are relevant:

credibility, news reporting, inferences, studies and causal reasoning. The

example will not call for discussion of every one of the aspects of reasoning we

have studied. Discuss all and only those aspects of the reasoning that are

relevant to the assessment of the example.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

My Opinion Is Uniforms Do Decrease Bullying Becuase Alot Of Bullies, Bully About The Person Wardrobe. If You Have Uniforms Everyone Is Wearing The Same Thing So There Would Be Less To Bully About.

A few days ago
I think that uniforms will help to decrease bullying as bullies usually target someone by making fun of their clothes. If everyone is wearing the same thing, the people in that school would also care more about their education and not their clothes. teens wouldn’t then compare things such as designer jeans and expensive clothes.

A few days ago
Silly Sally
From reading the directions, I don’t think it really matters what your (or our) opinion is. It sounds like you need to focus on the report you were asked to read. You should question the validity of the claims made in the report.

5 years ago
Becasue it’s true. If you just use the word Nazi as a general term for torturer or evil person, you have no authority to actually talk about them.