A few days ago
Miss Ashleigh K

somebody give me a list of things to get organized for college or senior year high school.?

list of stuff that will help me stay organized during the school year. Not just ideas of things to do, but a list of items that really help keep you organized with school work.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The best way to remain organized, is to prepare yourself for each class. DATE YOUR NOTES EVERYDAY!

Color code the different classes. A different color note book and note cards for each class. It might sound silly, but when you prepare for exams, and you have your notes on colored index cards, your brain will remember the colors of the index cards first, and the answer will follow easily.

Put all your history notes on red index cards. I usually cut my index cards into fourths. This makes the index cards smaller, so your questions do not overwhelm you. Write questions on the front of the cards, and the answers on the reverse.

Use a different index card color for Math, Science, English etc…

Scent your study area with a floral spray; listen to classical music while you study; and eat fish. These three things combined will increase your memory recall by 33%. If you are allowed, chew peppermint gum while taking your tests. The peppermint helps with memory recall, and the act of chewing gum brings blood up to the brain. Take deep breaths after each question. Harvard Study.

It sounds like you already have a jump-start on things. Good bye and Good Luck. Please VOTE!


5 years ago
This sounds a lot like me, except that I am a Junior, which could make a difference. I took 4 AP classes, one honors class, and two regular classes, while playing Varsity Ice Hockey, and an internship, which is a little less than what you are doing. I was able to handle this just fine, and from reading this I feel like I am not as smart and dedicated as you are. I think you should be fine if you work hard and use your time wisely. But you should also be smart about the classes you choose and not take all AP classes just because they are AP. For example, I am planning to major in engineering yet I took AP English Language just because it was AP, even though I am not that good at writing. I later realized that this class was an unnessecary burden and was lowering my grade (I got a B-, which isn’t bad, but I felt like I could have gotten an A in Honors) and that I should have just taken Honors English 3. Hope this helps!

A few days ago
Get a large calendar that goes the entire semester through. hang it up on your wall where you will see it every day. As soon as you know you have a test/report/final put it on that day, that way you can see well in advance that you need to work on it.

I recommend getting a filing cabinet and creating a 1-31 folder. 1 file folder for every day of the month. Once you create a project, and finish it, put it in the day it’s due, that way, when you walk out the door in the morning, just grab it because you know that it’s in there.

Also works well with index cards in there as a reminder of special events.

Get sticky notes to jot quick notes about assignments.

Ask even your high school teachers for syllabi, not only will they be impressed, but it will help you to plan your semester and create your calendar.

Good Luck.


A few days ago
get urself a planner. u’ll have essays to write, college applications to do, homework, tests, etc. and they’ll all have deadlines. u’ll want to keep up with them.

get urself a bunch of folders too. and notebooks. that way, u can write everything down.

just work hard, keep things organized, keep up with deadlines, and have fun, and you should be fine.

Good Luck!


A few days ago
a gud bag lots of make up things and yeah CONDOMS

THATS UR CHOICE may be female u shd prefer