A few days ago

Solving multiple variable equation?

Solve for R:

V = 1/3Pi R ^2h

(V equals one third pi times radius squared times H)

Any idea on the steps for this and/or the answer? I scored a 0/5 on the test because I couldn’t even start it.

Best answer to fastest/best answer. (obviously?)

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Steve B

Favorite Answer

It has been a while since I did this…

3V=Pi R^2h

Pi 3V=R^2h

Log Pi+ Log 3V = Log R * Log 2h

(Log Pi+Log 3V)/Log 2h = Log R

Invererse Log [(Log Pi+Log 3V)/Log 2h] = R


4 years ago
you may desire to sparkling up for one variable and then plug it in to sparkling up for the different one and then plug the two one in each and every of those into the unique concern to get the 0.33 sorry i dont bear in suggestions how precisely to do it