A few days ago

s.s questions help?

put the answer of the question u r answering

1. what made mali such a powerful state in the 1300’s

a. answer is not A

b. it profited by cooperating eaurapean slave traders

c. mali was a great center of christian worship

d. was a major center of islamic instruction and posessed large deposits of gold and metal ore.

e. controlled the spice trade and was significant center of buddhist worship.

2. the neolithic revolution was characterized by the

a. change from nomadic herding to setteled farming

b. answer not B.

c. migration of early peoples to the America

d. growth of iron tool making technology.

3. hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the developement of

a. answer not a

b. recorded history

c. subsistence farming

d. extensive trade with the persians

4. one effect of rugged mountainous geography on the civilization of acient greece was the developement of

a. absolute monarchy

b. belief in 1 god

c. seperate. independent cities

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. D

2. A

3. B (I Think)

4. C (I Think)


5 years ago
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