A few days ago

pls give me spme points against the topic :right to information-boon or bane?that means i want points for bane

pls give me spme points against the topic :right to information-boon or bane?that means i want points for bane

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Right to information”? Or “information”?

Information can be a bane and so “the right to it” can be a bane too.

In what way? Well think about it. In what ways can information cause problems? You have your answer.

For example, you know that if you eat wheat you will die. You publish your findings that EVERYONE who eats wheat will die. Everyone stops eating wheat and the price of rice skyrockets. Wheat farmers go broke and many commit suicide. No, this didn’t happen with tobacco, but wheat isn’t addictive.

OK, the same can be applied to some different items of knowledge and information.