A few days ago

pleaseee help me with my algebra. please?

i do not understand it.

im so ******* irratated.

the perimeter of a triangle if 76 cm. the second side is twice as long as the first side. the third side is four cm. shorter than the second side. how long is each side?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
The Waffle

Favorite Answer

It’s not that hard; use the variable X for the first side. so the second side would be 2X, then the third side is 2X-4. so X+2X+(2x-4)=76. Then find X; then use it to find out the other sides.

A few days ago
76 = x+2x+(2x-4)

76 = 5x-4

80 = 5x

80/5 = x

16 = x

side 1 = 16

side 2 = 2*16 = 32

side 3 = 2*16 – 4 = 28


A few days ago
first to answer the word problem you have to pick he question out of a bunch of jibberish. take what you know:

P= all sides added together

P= 76 cm

side two is 2x side one

side three is 4 cm < side two side 1= 20 x2 = 40 (side 2) -4 = 16 side three so 20+40+16= 76 cm


A few days ago
side one=16 cm

side two=32 cm

side three=28 cm


vote for the one above me, she definitely beat me