A few days ago

please help me choose a topic for my 1920’s project for my cultural history class?

i need help choosing a topic for the 1920’s project

i need to know what was really famous back then

please tell me if u have ideas

i would really appreciate it

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Great Depression. It didn’t begin until the very late 1920s, but it was in the 1920s nonetheless.

A few days ago
The biggest event in cultural history event of the United States was by far Prohibition.

Second most was the start of public acceptance of new inventions that affect us today. Radio went from a form of communication to a media during the 20’s — that was when radio was begun to be used for popular entertainment the same we use television today. Like the printing press radio became a method whereby ideas and cultural customs would be quickly disseminated all through the U.S. Because of radio the 20’s was known as the “fad” age. People would take up new cultural changes such as new dancing and new music (jazz — the 20s were also the jazz age). I don’t know if you covered this yet but radio along with silent movies, which were already popular caused “cultural homoginization” In other words cultures and social mores and practices went from being regional to national. The 20s saw the demise of regional cultures in the U.S.

The second was airplanes. Popularized during WWI, airlines captured the imagination of people and it was during the 1920s that scientific breakthroughs were made that saw aviation to become a means of transportation. Getting from New York to Los Angeles took a day instead of 5 days by rail.


A few days ago
Ms. E
Women in America got the right to vote. Yes, it wasn’t very long ago! Different states allowed women to vote with different rules earlier than 1920. But, the entire country did not allow women to vote until August 26, 1920, when it became federal law that women were allowed to vote in the U.S.A.

A few days ago
Prohibition! Speakeasies, Flappers, The Charleston.

The Highest Record of KKK Enlistment.

Movies and Entertainment.

I hope some of this helps!


A few days ago
how about the dance called the charleston a famous 1920s style,if not well goodluck to you

A few days ago
al capone and his enterage…..check out the st valentines day massacre… it was a pretty big event in history around that time.. i did a report on al capone in highschool and it was actually a fun report to do compared to most projects that are boring

there all all sorts of things that changed history during that time and he was a big impact on that era


5 years ago
I guess that for item 5, the situation in Iraq today would perfectly fit.

A few days ago
The stock market crash of 1929 which then triggered the great depression.

A few days ago
I love the flappers! They are all about the beginning of equal rights for women!

A few days ago
basically gangs. prohibition. women’s rights. economic flourishing, followed by a deep depression. post-war era. cars & henry ford. there’s tons of topics really.