A few days ago

please dicuss your own experience, idea and knowledge and support with examples?

we live today in an electronic information age. it is easier to be connected by technology yet many people seem no closer to feeling happy in their lives. discuss

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

By using “psychological science” to think, this statement is a common sense. In psychology, commonsense is full of contradiction. There is no evidence to connect the association between high technology and the fond feeling in people’s lives.

People keep in touch even more easily with the high technology, and people communicate through mutual understanding. Since there are alternatives that can cause each individual to feel unsatisfied, electronic information is not the ideal basis.

Most ppl would agree that since technology has been advanced, people have much more convinient life. People can communicate more easily even though they are in distant. We can entertain ourselves by the internet, iPod, Satelittle channels…etc. Not only entertaining ourselves from these source of high tech products, but we also educate ourselves by having more understanding about the world around, including watching hot news instantly, cooking great by just switch on TV button…etc. For all these reasons, I defend technology can make ppl life even more convinient and happy.

People seems no closer to feeling happy in their lives, perhaps, are unable to manage their own feelings. It is not the false of technology.


A few days ago
Miss Daye
Well, everything’s just so easy to accomplish nowadays that nobody gets the great feeling earned when you actually accomplish something on your own.