A few days ago

Please describe the difference between socialism and communism?

I am going to be a freshman and i am reading animal farm, i am having trouble finding the difference between the two. i understand that communism is the next stage of socialism but i still dont see the difference. HELP

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Hey honey.

First off, that sucks about animal farm. I hated that book. HAHA. But as a teacher I must say that you should really figure this one out on your own. Ask your parents, search google, go to the library. Having someone tell you online what it is and just putting it straight into your report is plagerism and more importantly, you won’t learn what it is. And ten years from now you might be in a situation where it comes up and you are screwed because you never learned it. So best of luck to you and I hope that you figure it out.


4 years ago
Socialism is making use of taxes amassed from the ppl in accordance to their earnings, to pay for amenities for those in opt for. Social secure practices is an occasion, so it is not all undesirable. We pay into it,and if and as quickly as we opt for suggestions, we obtain funds or amenities from the government. national well-being care is yet another. the situation isn’t with the belief, yet with the quantity of it. All governments have some degree of socailism. Communism is government possession of the ability of production . All substantial industries are owned and controlled by ability of the government. IT replaced into an exceptionally undesirable thought and replaced into out dated basically approximately earlier if replaced into put in place interior the Soviet union. iT demands plenty beaurocracy, and is a nightmare to manage. It additionally stifles opposition and analyze and progression, by using fact the earnings reason is non existent. AS with Soviet Russia ,that’s doomed to be overwhelmed decrease than its very own weight,or gradually morph right into a Capitalist device as that’s doing in China. Communist international locations coaching an exterme kind of socialism. The confusion comes from the certainty that communist international locations have used the word “socialist” of their propaganda as a euphemism for Communism.

A few days ago
Technically, Communism has never actually been achieved. Socialism is the system of government that is used to try to get into Communism.

In Socialism, the government would distribute all goods. There are other details, but that does is its most defining trait. This turns into a bus driver getting paid exactly the same amount as a brain surgeon. One farmer grows one apple, the other grows 3, they each get two, so the one that worked harder (grew 3) has no need to work as hard.

Communism is when all goods are free, but all people work. You can see how it was never achieved ๐Ÿ˜‰ No one would ever work if everything was free to them regardless of whether they worked or not.

Yup. ๐Ÿ™‚