A few days ago

need some help with english hw?

well i need to write a paper on an object using topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion sentence – could somebody just wirte a short example and point out which is which – i NEED ideas! thank you!!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Object: for me i am going to use a ninja star!

Topic sentence:usually the first sentence, will say what the paper is about, its an attention grabber.

Supporting details:everything in between topic and conclusion

Conclusion:last sentence, restatement of topic using different words closing the paper.

The ninja star flew fast threw the air with a shining glimmer in the moonlight. The star was thrown by Timmy Anderson, ninja master. As the star flew threw the forest steadily toward its target, all the details of its sharp edges could be seen. It made a sound as it flew that was as terrifying as a hurricane, yet soft as a hummingbirds wings. The flight of the star was sure and straight, it sliced threw its target, an enemy of the master ninja. It continued to fly as its victim fell to the ground as if in slow motion. The ninja star’s flight was short and deadly, yet beautiful and harmonious. The star hit a tree with a loud crackling sound that was defining. Thus ending the glorious flight of the destructive ninja star.


A few days ago
Peggy K
I’ll give you an example, and you can pick your object and set sail, okay?

Now, my example is going to be short but your paper should be more detailed than my example is.

Object: A rock

Topic: tells what your paper is about. “My paper is about a pretty red rock I found on the way to school on Monday.”

You will need a few sentences to further describe the rock. “Its surface is smooth, as if it has had water running over it for a long, long time. It has brown streaks running through it, which suggest …. ” You get my drift.

Supporting details:

This is where you get technical about the description of your object. I usually get a scratch piece of paper and jot down the main ideas about my subject. I put them in the order that I think is most important to least important, by writing a number out beside the ideas. These become the main sentences in the paragraphs of my paper. For instance, if I thought my rock was flint, that would be one of my paragraphs. If I thought my rock was shaped like an Indian arrow-head, I’d put that as one of my ideas about my rock. If I thought my rock would make a good skimming stone, I’d put that, and so on, until I didn’t have any more main ideas about my rock to include in my paper.

“This rock is probably flint. Flint is commonly used to create a spark. The most recent use for it is in cigarette lighters.” etc.

“This rock is shaped like and Indian arrow-head. I seriously doubt that it is an authentic arrow-head, though, because…”

“This rock is flat, and will probably skip at least three times if I try it on the pond.”

A conclusion sentence is what you’ve decided to be true about your subject or object.

“Since this stone isn’t an Indian arrow-head, I don’t think I’ll bring it to school for show-and-tell, but I won’t throw it into the pond because it’s a pretty rock and it will go well with my collection.”

Hope this helps you get started. Oh, and… I’m not really sure that red rocks are flint rock, so… you’d best do your own research.


A few days ago

American Education System In Crisis: Affect on Future Employment and the Economy


Laziness Rampant in US School System

~ This posting

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