A few days ago

Need homework help with Order of Operations?

Place the inclusion symbols according to the correct order of operations in order to make each question true. Tell how you would use a calculator to check your answer.

1. 27+5*8-6=37

2. 21*1+5/12=6

3. 4*5-3+2=10

4. 3*4+2/6=3

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Willy M

Favorite Answer

1. [27+(5*8)]-6=37

2. (21*1)+(5/12)=6

3. (4*5)-3+2=10

4. (3*4)+(2/6)=3

You should be doing what’s in the parenthesis first. You can always use a calculator to check- If you have an advanced calc then it should do the OofO for you. If your calc is kinda lame then you need to put in the operations in terms of the right order they go in not how they show in the problem.


A few days ago
Gypsy Girl
Order of operation:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sarah.

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.

Just put the parenthesis around the operation that you would do first.


A few days ago
order of operations is PEMDAS parenthesis exponent multiply add divide subtract

6 years ago
need help on homework