A few days ago

Need help writing this simple java program…?

A local bookstore has a markup of 10% on each book. Write a program that takes the sales price of a book as input and displays the following outputs:

the markup of the book just sold

the wholesale amounts(to go to the publisher of the book just sold)

the total sales price of all the books sold

the total markup amount of all the books sold

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Truly W

Favorite Answer

import java.lang.Math;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ComputeMarkup {

/* This program reads a sequence of sales prices input

by the user, and will display the markup and wholesale

cost values for each sale. At the end, the program

displays the total sales and the total markup.


public static void main(String[] args) {

double salesPrice; // The price input by the user.

double wholesalePrice;

double markupAmount;

double totalSales; // The sum of the positive integers.

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // The Scanner class is new in Java 1.5

/* Initialize the sum */

totalSales = 0;

/* Read and process the user’s input. */

System.out.println(“Enter your first book sales price: “);

salesPrice = in.nextDouble();

// Do this until a 0 price is entered.

while (salesPrice != 0) {

totalSales += salesPrice; // Add salesPrice to running total.

// salesPrice = wholesalePrice * 110 percent (1.1)

wholesalePrice = Math.round(salesPrice / 1.1 * 100) / 100.0;

markupAmount = Math.round((salesPrice – wholesalePrice) * 100) / 100.0;

// Print out the data

System.out.println ( ” The markup is ” + markupAmount);

System.out.println ( ” The wholesale amount is ” + wholesalePrice);

// Get the next book sale price

System.out.println(“Enter your next book sales price ( or 0.0 to end) “);

salesPrice = in.nextDouble();


/* Display the summary. */

System.out.println ( ” The total of all books sold is ” + totalSales);

markupAmount = Math.round(totalSales / 11.0 * 100) / 100.0;

System.out.println ( ” The total markup amount is ” + markupAmount);

} // end main()


================ Output from a run ==========


Enter your first book sales price:


The markup is 9.09

The wholesale amount is 90.91

Enter your next book sales price ( or 0.0 to end)


The markup is 9.0

The wholesale amount is 90.0

Enter your next book sales price ( or 0.0 to end)


The total of all books sold is 199.0

The total markup amount is 18.09