A few days ago
Jay D

Need help with writing a paper for english?

I need to write a paper about one of the topics below using skills to apporach it in an objective non biased way. I am allowed to have some degree of choice but I can not take sides in a partisan debate. I need to find a debate in the American popular culture and investigate the verious defintions of the major term(Word or phrase) around which the debate revolves. Then after that I will make a arguemtn for a specific and detailed def of my term. Bascially I have to berifly summearize the connotations and conflictiong def that surround the issue citing and paraphraising and summarizing where necessary. Also I need to argure for and support a specific def of the terminology surring the debate or issue, and by doing so make a case that the issue should be seen in a psecific way.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Do a yahoo or google search. you’ll get lots of different ideas. From the topics you quote, the one that seems most promising to me is

child soldiers


A few days ago
old lady
Whichever you choose, please try to get used to using your spell checker. If you’re writing a paper for English (or for any subject) you need to get used to using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. And of the three, the spelling is the easiest. Just one little key stroke does it!

A few days ago
so… what exactly are you asking?