A few days ago

need help with my homework!!!?

my biology homework is to find out what is in diets and whether they are worth eating or not! i tried to find something but i cant can someone send me some links????? THANKYOU!!!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Modern Major General

Favorite Answer

How refreshingly honest!

1. Look at the eating habits of your family.

2. List the ingredients if you can, and categorise them in terms of calories, fat, nutrients etc.

3. Evaluate the best diets from this bunch in terms of real nutritional needs.

Try this link:


hope this helps!


A few days ago
Diet sodas and other noncalorie and low-calorie foods may be contributing to the childhood obesity epidemic. It’s not what is in them but rather what is not in them.

Researchers say the findings indicate that eating diet foods early in life may inadvertently lead to overeating and obesity later on. Low-calorie foods disrupted the body’s ability to recognize calories and regulate energy intake.

I’m no expert but those diet meals do not teach a person how to eat properly and cuase him/her to be hooked on those meals costing him/her tons of money. Just not worth it.

Good luck on your homework!!


A few days ago
Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, it is increasingly viewed as a serious and growing public health problem: excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.[1]


A few days ago
Lucifers Child
Try Robert McDowell’s Herbal Remedies for starters. He speaks about foods that are good for certain things. He has a large site and very much information.

In your Search Engine type in Robert. McDowell@herbal -treatments.com – see what happens. I’m not sure about the dot after Robert – try it with or without. I’m sure you’ll get through. It would be interesting to know how you’ve done.

Have you tried typing in “Nutritional foods” or something of that nature?


A few days ago
Hi Sabah. Try www.webmd.com this is the best web site on health, doctors use it to research their questions. Once you are logged on to webmd. Go to the search in the upper right corner and type in (diet, eating) Then hit search. good luck

A few days ago
try E-diets.com, they have information on all kinds of different diets form Southbeach to Adkins.

A few days ago
Kevin G
company web sites sometime publish nutritional information. check out the company web site. ie: www.weightwatchers.com

A few days ago
well there isnt much in diet becuz thats why yu dont get fat when go on diet

A few days ago
i think that eating a diet where you don’t eat much or there is little servings will get u to eat later on.

you should put in a search for “diets”. duh…


A few days ago
Gypsy Queen