A few days ago

Need help finding an idea for “Unnamed Drama” in a Email letter I’m writing for English class!?

My English class requires that I write an Email letter. The letter is from a guy in jail to his girlfriend sally (This is the topic I made up for my email). The named drama would be how he was put in jail and the dilemma of getting out, but I am having trouble thinking of an “Unnamed drama” that could be in the letter. I’m not asking for help on writing the paper, but any smart ideas. Thanks!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

How about they say they found some DNA samples of his on the crime scene, but he knows he wasn’t there, so now he has to find someone who will pay for the tests to be redone, and is lobbying people who do pro bono work and then he finds a porject that takes him on and he eventually can prove his innocence with their help?