A few days ago

Names of famous americans in the 1800s?

my english groups needs a name for our “one-eyed yeller cow” we have to make a story about and we think it’d be fitting to have it’s name (like all the other animals in the original story) be a famous american from the 1800s or before.

any suggestions?

(the story is the one about the jumping frog by mark twain can’t remember exactly..)

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

How about our third president, Thomas Jefferson? How about Andrew Jackson? How about Lewis & Clark?

7 years ago
You could use Harry Truman, Harriet Tubman, John Adams, Francis Scott Key, etc. I hope this helps!

5 years ago
Nat Turner, slave rebellion of 1831. (I assumed you meant infamous, not famous)