A few days ago

more algebra questions- please :-)?

1) the sum of two consecutive even integers is 118.

a) define a variable for the smaller integer

b. what must you add to an even integer to get the next greater even integer?

c. write an expression for the second integer

d. write and solve an equation to find the the two odd integers

2) the sum of two consecutive odd integers is 56

a. same thing as 1

b. same thing as 1, but do odd instead of even

c. same thing as 1

d. same thing as 1, but do odd instead of even

3) please show the work. i really cant figure it out

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. a Let x = first integer

b the next even integer is found by adding 2 to the previous

even integer

c therefore x + 2 is next even integer

d i think you mean even integer

x + (x+2) = 118 2x + 2 = 118 2x = 116

x = 58 x+2 = 60

a same as 1

b same as 1 (but odd)

c same a 1 (but again odd)

d x+ (x+2) = 56 2x+2 = 56 2x = 54

x = 27; x+2 = 29

3. Additional Details

same as 1 and 2, but total is -298

x = -150 x+2 = -148