A few days ago

misunderstandings and cliches about men and women persist?

if you could forever banish one stereotype about your gender which one would you choose?why is this stereotype so annoying to you?why do you think it is such a persistent stereotype?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Women are weaker than men.

Men are stronger that women

Men are smarter than women.

Housework is a women’s job.

Housework is a wife’s job.

Raising the children is the job of the wife alone.

Men are the breadwinner of their families.

Outward appearances of women are important. They are beautiful if they are skinny and tall. Outer beauty far outweighs (is more importan than) inner beauty.

Why is it annoying to me? Because they aren’t true! It’s as simple as saying that.

These are persistent stereotypes because society is accepting of those stereotypes.


A few days ago
First of all, search for stereotypes. Decide which one irritates you most, explain why, why things aren’t that way, how things are different or have changed over the years, why it persists (bc of men, state, church, women themselves, the system itself, films, literature, toys and dolls, media, etc?).

You can find some ideas here:


