A few days ago

metaphorssss …..?

i need a metaphor that has to do with mountains, how beautiful they are, or colorful in the fall etc. i also need a metaphor that has to do with 9/11, how horrible that daya nd event was. and a metaphor that has to do with being sick, and how my life turned for the worse, or how friends werent there for me, or how family was there for me, or something about life. a life lesson, or how im finaly healthy. thankyouuuuuuu

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

the wind hardly push the mountan into the ground

A few days ago
A metaphor is when a word or phrase that means one thing is used to talk about another thing. Examples:

“That guy really burns me up.” fire, burning = anger

“All the world’s a stage….” world = (theater) stage. Carry it further, and life is a play, human beings are all actors, etc.

“Juliet is the sun.” Juliet is the light that brightens Romeo’s world.

Catullus, a poet of ancient Rome, refers to death as “one long eternal sleep” and life as a “brief light.”

Use your imaginatin, and have fun with it!