A few days ago

Malediction and and benediction are:?

a. synonyms

b. antonyms

c. homophones

d. homonyms

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
John V

Favorite Answer


The roots of the words are the key: mal = bad

bene = good


4 years ago
Malediction And Benediction Are

A few days ago
Hmm, this is an easy one: b. Antonyms.

How would you know on the test though? Simple, I’ll define the terms and give examples of each- you’ll be a pro in no time!

a. Synonyms- words that mean the same thing. (happy, cheerful)

b. Antonyms- words that are opposites of each other. (happy; sad- also, malediction = curse, benediction = blessing)

c. Homophones- 2 words that sound alike but have different definitions. (deer, dear; their, there; night, knight)

d. Homonyms- 2 words that have the same sound/spelling, but mean different things. (Trunk = body of a tree, tree trunk; elephant nose, elephant trunk!)

Hope this helps 🙂