A few days ago

Literary Devices!!!???

Ok, what Literary device are each of theese sentences, the possible answers can be: Hyperbole,alliteration, metaphor, simile, and onamatopoeia

1. I saw a slippery snake slide towards Sally.

2. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.

3. That hat looks like an old mushroom.

4. This room is an oven.

5. With a woosh, the wind blew through the room.

6. I saw Sally stack six soft toys in our garage.

7. That dog must have been 5,000 punds.

8.Our smiles were as wide as the ocean.

9. She was the rock in our defense!

10. When you eat rice krispies, the go SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!

11. Paul Bunyan was so tall he took out 1000 acres of land with eack step.

12. Harry Houdini had heavy handcuffs.

13. Our house is like a cave at night.

14. My horse is as quick as a ferrari.

15. When I dropped the cups, they went CRASH!

16. There were five fat frogs flicking their toungues at me!

17. This bedroom is a pigsty!

Thanks a bunch!! πŸ™‚



Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1st 5 answers (try the rest)

1alliteration-wors that have several first letters that are the same such as i rushed ran and rounded everyone up


3simile- uses like smelss like socks

4metaphor- says something is somthing else she is a flake

5omnatmatophoa- uses sound words such as the pan banged and boomed


A few days ago
1. allit, 2. hyper, 3. simile, 4. meta, 5. onama, 6. allit., 7.hyper, 8.simile, 9. meta., 10. onama, 11. hyper, 12. allit., 13.simile, 14. simile, 15.onama., 16.allit., 17. meta.

hope these are right.


A few days ago
1. alliteration

2. hyperbole

3. similie

6. alliteration

7. hyperbole

8. similie

9. metaphor

10. onamatopoeia

11. metaphor

12. alliteration

13. similie

14. metaphor

15. ona..

16. alliteration

17. metaphor