A few days ago
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Letter to Future Self?

can anyone give me an example of a lettter to YOUR future self…..thankzzzz alott

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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Wow… I can’t imagine what kind of homework this is for…but i’ll give it a go. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dear Future me-

I hope things are going well in your world; I can only imagine what you’ve been through at this point in our life.

I don’t know what you’ve experienced or missed and I don’t know how the world has changed from 2007.

But I do know that I want to remind you of some things you may have forgotten.

Remember the simple joys in life you experienced as a child? Running in a field? Picking flowers? Playing ‘pretend’ with our best friend Alexis? Remember when life revolved around going to the beach in the summer, and new school clothes?

Remember the first day of middle school when you saw a friend you thought you had lost years ago? Remember when running into someone you hadn’t seen in 5 years was a LONG time ago??

Remember the four miserable years of highschool? Where you learned that it really IS who you know, not WHAT You know. Where life really DOES revolve around what clothes you wear? And its all about first kisses, first dates, first dances and getting your driver’s lisence?

Remember college? And the parties and the bonfires with friends and learning to ride horses? Remember staying up until 4am to finish that paper? Remember meeting your new best friend, Agata, and learning that having ONE good best friend was worth more than any number of popularity votes in highschool?

And remember your first ‘real job’ out of college? Where you learned that life REALLY WAS like high school all over again-but now you get paid for it?

Remember moving into your first apartment? Remember getting evicted for the first time? Remember your first car?

Remember when you bought your first horse? And realized that life REALLY IS about the small things that make you happy? Like evening trail rides, horse kisses, and the soft nicker from your horse as they greet you?

I don’t know if we have a family now, or if we’re still enjoying the single life.

But I do know that no matter where you are in life now, you’ll have remained true to yourself, you’ll have found success without sacrificing happiness, and you’ll have tried to remain a good person through it all.


Your younger-you.


A few days ago
Hey future self,

Look I’m not really into religion, and I’ve got a lot of partying and sinning left to do, but now since your life is nearly over, I’m counting on you to turn to religion and ask for forgiveness, just in case there is a God, to save our ***.

Oh and I’m really sorry about not investing or putting away any cash for you. The young me is too selfish right now. You have only yourself to blame.


A few days ago
I had to do this in a freshman (high school) English class. My English teacher gave them to us the week we graduted our senior year. As I recall, I wrote about who my best friend were, big news stories at the time, & things that were going on in my life at the time. My friends in the class also wrote notes on my letter, as well.

I REALLY wish I could write letters to my PAST self!!! I’d tell myself about stupid mistakes I made that still haunt me. I’d also give myself advice on how to take care of my body & how to treat my family & certain friends of mine.

My 10 year high school reunion is coming up, & we all put things that were important to us at the time into a box. At the reunion, we’ll get that stuff back. I remember I used to keep a “quote book” of funny things my friends said. I put that in the box. I remember some of the quotes I put in there, & it will be awesome getting that back. I’m sure it will bring up memories I haven’t even thought of at the time.

Also, along the same lines, I recently ran into an old sorority sister of mine from college. She was one of the new pledges when I was an active member, & the new pledges had to memorize things about us, including our hopes & dreams. She remembered some things about me, that I had even long forgotten. Talking to her kind of renewed my old passions. It was very cool.


A few days ago
I remember doing this in the 8th grade. I had to write a letter to myself for the future (when I would graduate high school)

I wrote about concentrating on my dreams. To make sure to take advantage of everything that they world had to offer. I talked about maintaining the friendship I had made in high school and not to forget those that I left behind after I graduated.

When I graduated high school. My senior class took a ceremonial trip down to our middle school and “dug up” the time capsule in the “Departed Field” (where all the capsules are buried by each class). In one of the boxes in the trunk was each of the letters we wrote addressed to ourselves in our own (eighth grade hand-writting). We also got to look into the trunk where we all put memories of the last year. Newspaper articles about the Thurston Shooting (a high school kid came and started shooting up students at school – it took place at our rival school and was the year before Columbine). We put in collages of pictures of friends.

I suggest writting about who you are and what was important to you now. Write about some of your goals and dreams. It will be interesting to see what you had to say at the time.


A few days ago
girl in black
well you can write about how you feel as of today and your goals and aspiration for the future. hide it somewhere and take it out 5-10 years from now. it can be pretty interesting to see how youve developed as a person. you may even have already fulfilled your goal exceed it

4 years ago
jeez do not placed money in there! you’re leaving a flimsy envelope with a biology instructor, do not go away money. i could advise leaving a fave hair tie or bracelet or pencil and a few pictures and stuff.

A few days ago
Dear me,

Have you got that farm going yet? Good.


A few days ago
watch out that girl is crazy

A few days ago
SimplyAle ๐Ÿ™‚
cant you write a letter to yourself???

A few days ago
Steven C
NO what are you talking about?