A few days ago
Keeping it simple

ive got some history questions that i need help with?

Why was Francis Drake considered a hero in his time?

Why might he not be considered a hero now?

What was his relation with the Spanish?

Where do potatoes and tobacco come into the story?

Why did Queen elizabeth not officialy acnolodge his trip around the world?

Wikipedia hasnt been very good, mabye im just not looking propperly.

Thanks for your help.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

He was a hero because he fought the Spanish Armada (which tried to invade England). He also sailed around the world.

He might not be considered a hero today because he conquered land that belonged to native people.

He fought the Spanish (see above).

He brought back samples of potatoes and tobacco. No one in England had seen them before

Queen Elizabeth didn’t acknowledge his trip officially because he went to several places that were claimed by the Spanish Empire, and she didn’t want to start another war with them.

Hope it helps.


A few days ago
Well..sometimes your spelling and grammar could be hindering your search.

Try searching (especially on “Google”), Sir Francis Drake.

That may help you.