A few days ago

is this a good bio poem? tell me whattcha thinkk!?


Independent, easy-going, friendly, trustworthy

Relative of a happy and loving family

Lover of spending time with her family and friends,

Traveling to different places,

Bright and vivid colors.

Who feels life should be lived for every moment,

Smiling is the best impression to make,

Pluto should have been considered a planet, not a moon.

Who needs to think before acting sometimes,

To love her family as much as she can,

To learn from her mistakes.

Who fears of failing too much

Being alone with people she doesn`t know,

Spiders, the dark, and the boogieman.

Who gives hugs when a friend is having a bad day,

A laugh when she is in a lighthearted mood

Help to those in need.

Who would like to see everyone being themselves,

Peace instead of war in the world,

Britney Spears with a new look.

Resident of a busy and chaotic house


i just threw in some funny ones to make the poem more interesting. are there any improvements i can make? if so, what?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

nuthing this is actually really good. I just say leave it at that