A few days ago

Interesting facts about the victorians?

Hi please can you give me some interesting facts about the victorians, i need more soon for my hmk, thanks

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Georgia Peach

Favorite Answer


Child labor:

children under 14 were 13% of the factory labor force, 2600 or so in 1830s. In spite of the publicity of the horrors of child labor in factories, the reality was that most children had to work anyway.


Population growth: the main reason population increased at this time was the lowering of the marriage age, with earlier marriages producing more children. This came about as a result of increased wealth and the price and availability of food. The age for marrying in women was 25 as opposed to the late twentieth century age of 22.

Politics: the political parties were the Whigs and the Tories


A few days ago
I don’t really have any “interesting” facts; the only thing I can write you is a thorough statement on them, because I just went through this in class a week ago.

The Victorians were devoted to self-control and exhibited certain strict moral conducts of behavior. Hard-workers.They pretty much kept behind closed doors the things that would seem either controversial or wrong to others, because everyone conformed to the same acts and believes.

Pre-marital sex was out of the question, as well as kisses unless it was a sign of engagement. Even then, sex was used in moderation and only for producing children. For those whose spouses died, the widows or widowers were to mourn for at least a year, and remarrying sent out a message of infidelity.

The children were raised also rather strict; being punished by means of spanking and other harsh physical treatments. They were, in other words, bullied to grow up. Their activities were aimed around intellectual games, (ie piano, board games, card games, etc).

It’s really interesting how today’s world really differs from the Victorian Age. I bet they’d go straight nuts if they were flown over here through a time machine. Haha!


A few days ago
Read (or skim) Inside the Victorian Home: A Portrait of Domestic Life in Victorian England by Judith Flanders.

A few days ago
they didn’t wash much and used perfume to mask odors yuck!