A few days ago

If you know a percent of the original amount how do you figure out the original amount?

Lets say you know that there are 500 units of something in a bag and that is 13 percent of what the original amount was. How do you figure out the original amount?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Basically you multiply the 13% or .13 times something to get 500 so to work it backwards you would divide the 500 by the .13

A few days ago
Write it out.

500 units = 13/100 * X units

This says what your question says. 500 units is 13 percent of some unknown amount.

Some tips: “is” gets usually replaced with the “=” equals sign.

“Of”, like “half of, percent of” often gets replaced with the multiplication sign (*).

“Percent” is simply that number divided by 100.

Back to the question:

500 units = 13/100 * X units

You want all your numbers on one side of the equals sign, and everything you DON’T know on the other side (the “X”)

We proceed, dividing 500 by 13 percent, or (13/100)

500 units = 13/100 * X units

3846=X Units

Double-check our work, is 500 approximately 1-eighth of 3846? Yes. Our work is correct.


A few days ago
Ed S
1) 13% of original amount=500

2) 13% of x=500

3) .13x=500

4) divide 500 by .13 x=500/.13

5) will have to round off