A few days ago

identify one US. federal law that requires monitoring the quality of the treated sewage…?

that is discharged into the fremont river???

all i need is a law and a smalllll explanation….

please thanks


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Peter Boiter Woods

Favorite Answer

There are many. The main facts are found in the Clean Water Act (first reference) and in 40CFR Part 400-500 (second reference is for public wastewater treatment). From the first reference:

“The EPA regulates water pollution under the auspices of the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and other environmental laws. With the help of state and local authorities, the EPA establishes water quality standards, promotes guidelines for best management practices, and issues permits to point source polluters and treatment facilities. The Agency also offers compliance assistance to the regulated community and seeks punitive legal action against violators of water pollution laws and regulations.”

Anyone who discharges into a river must obtain a permit or waiver and there are limits on the species that can be discharged into the river. These are called water quality standards (third reference).