A few days ago

i need some homework help please. =]. thanks?

its about polynomials.

1). (6x+1) + (9x+3) its an additon problem

2). (7x) (4x+6) its a multiplication problem

3). 24x+72

4). xsquared-8x+15

5). 7xsquared+21x+14

6). x4(to the 4th exponent is what this means)-81

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. (6x+1) + (9x+3) = 6x + 1 + 9x + 3 = 15x + 4

2. (7x) (4x+6) = 28x squared + 42x

3. 24x + 72 = 4x + 12 (you divide it by 6 to simplify)

I’m not sure what to do with the rest


A few days ago
This question takes me back, I love polynomials. For problem 1. you simply add like terms: 6x+ 9x and 1+3. For problem 2. you multiply 7x * 4x and then 7x * 6 ( I’ll give you this answer..28xsquared+42x). If you can follow how I got that the rest will be easier to pick up on. Problem 3. just requires you simplify like you would for a fraction you can always use 2 if you can’t think of a higher number for even numbered terms. 4. thru 6. need detective work. 4. what 2 numbers can you multiply to get 15 and add to get 8. also the middle term is (-) but the last term is (+) so both numbers that you use to get 15 and 8 have to be (-) a negative times a negative = a (+) but – plus a – equals a – ( I hope you are following this). Of course x times x =x squared so your terms should look like this (x-5)(x-3) That’s 2 I’ve given you. For 5. simplify first then use the skills that got you the answer for 4. ie. divide by 7 first then work it. 6. is a breeze after all this. (xsquared -9) (xsquared+9) I gave you half of this one…Merry Christmas… now break down (xsquared -9) and you are finished. I hope you understand how to get the answers i didn’t give as well as how I got the answers I gave. All the best.

A few days ago
1. You can basically ignore the parenthesis in this problem.

Group like terms: 6x+9x= 15x 3+1=4 So…. 15x+4

2. use the Distribution property. (7x is multiplied with every term inside the parenthesis)

7x*4x= 28x squared (cant find how to type it)

7x*6= 42x

So… 28x squared + 42x

3. This is already in its simplest form.

If you need to factor : 24(x+3)

4. A double foil format problem:

that means that: (x+x)(x+x) where X is any term

1’s only factors (think of it as 1x squared) are 1 and 1.

so: (x + )(x + ) which gives us x squared.

Now you must factor for 15. 15’s factors are 1,15 and 3, 5.(or -3, -5)

Find which of these when added will reach -8.

-5 and -3 will. So: (x – 5) (x – 3)

5. Factoring: Like problem 4, this is in a double foil format:

7’s only factors are 1 and 7, so the 2 first values must be 1

and 7. so: (7x + ) (x + ) which gives us 7xsquared

now you must factor for 14. The factors of 14 are: (1,14) and (2,7). Find which of these when multiplied with 7x will give 21 2 and 7 will. So: (7x + 2) (x + 7)

6. xto the fourth – 81

because 81 is 3(to the fourth) you can factor this as:

(x – 3) to the fourth.


A few days ago
You can use the common math properties you should have already learned to work these problems.

For example, question one uses the associative property of addition. That means you can add them in any order, no matter how they are grouped.

So try it like this:

6x + 9x + 1 + 3

Now you can easily add them together and get your answer.

On 2, you are looking at multiplication …

Try it like this:

7x times 4x + 7x times 6 =

There, now you have the idea, hopefully you can begin to work the problems. Instead of just posting the questions, next time post your work and answers. Then if you get it wrong, we can help you see where you made the mistake. Remember this is a homework HELP site, not a DO site!


A few days ago
Arvelyn A
6. (x+3)(x-3)(x+3)(x-3) or simply (x+3)^2(x-3)^2