A few days ago

i need some help for these deffinitions?

what is the definition for static, round, and parellel episodes.

(these are word parts and story plots so if you know i would be happy if u knew these deffinitions i needed) 🙂 thanks

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

static has several meanings

static electricity typically hurts us indoors

then there is static vs. dynamic data

static data is kind of fixed, not change much, like name & address of a customer, while dynamic is constandly changing, like the $ amount they owe

round also has several meanings

generally it means a curved surface, as opposed to a sharp turn

A coin is generally round, while a dollar bill has squared corners

parallel also has several meanings but usually means two lines or objects traveling side by side, such as railroad tracks, or there may be more than one plot line being developed in paralle with each other