A few days ago

I need help with Philosophy!!?

I have to create a poiltical campaign ad for two political parties, one party that supports traditional moral and political philosophies and another that supports modern moral and political philosophies. I was wondering if someone can help me with what traditional moral and modern moral is so that I can complete my homework successfully. Thank You

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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Could be I’m missing something here, but it sounds like you’re describing our own Republican party (traditional moral/political philosophy) and Democrat party (modern moral/political philosophy). Those are the general ways people describe them. In that case, all you’d have to was to look online at Wikipedia to see what each party generally stands for.

They stand for many things but you don’t have to focus on all of them. Think about what the conservative party is concerned about right now: probably terrorism. So focus on the fact that it would better be able to do that. As far as the more modern party, global warming is a huge issue for them. Another issue for them is stopping the widening gap between rich and poor people and also making health care available to the poor.

In a nutshell, a key difference is that the traditional moral/political party believes government should be less involved in assisting people – that it’s up to them to help themselves, and that by helping them, we actually hurt them by making them dependent. In contrast, the more modern/liberal view is that we should help carry the poor/underprivileged awhile and that they we’ll all be better off down the line for having done so. This is an over generalization. Conservatives are anti gay marriage, etc. Moderns (liberals) are generally ok with it.

As far as what needs to go into a campaign. This link lists them.
