A few days ago

I need help with a project for school?

I am doing a project for school on the Peridic Table. My teacher assigned me Oxygen and she told me to make a model out of that. I am kind of confuse on what she ment to make a model. I found this on the web site is that what she means? http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/media/kossel-pics/O.jpg Please Help I would really appreciate it and if I am wrong please tell me where I can find an example on a model. GOD BLESS

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, if not for the rain forest , In south America Which has a lots of trees and bushes any where their are tree’s they form oxygen it takes carbon monoxide’s and turns it into oxygen for us to breath, take a large glass fish bowl or large glass container and turn it into a terrarium, put dirt in the bottom put some small plant’s inside some natural things like sticks inside and some little stones in for affect, cover the bowl with saran wrap water forms on the inside the plant forms droplets of water, and falls on plant don’t cover all the time but before you enter it into the display for class put saran wrap on so it will form moisture. Try it its pretty cool, we breath out carbon monoxide’s cars form it to, jets. look up the word in the dictionary or encyclopedia.

A few days ago
it really depends. did she ask for a model of the oxygen molecule or the oxygen atom?

the diagram you have there is of the atom, showing the positions of the outer electrons.

if you are supposed to do the molecule, its simply two spheres joined together as oxygen molecules have two atoms.

if i were you, id make both just to be on the safe side.


A few days ago
ok you get a hanger and get an invisable string to tie around it and get something like tubes place little foam like circles were they are soppoesd to go then do the samething but with littler tubes and put the foam things on the littler tubes and tie 4 strings on it to connect. and there u have it!!